Health Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf tests positive for COVID-19 after multiple members of his security team caught the bug By December 10, 2020 0 Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Email Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Wolf has tested positive for the coronavirus after multiple members of his security team caught the bug. The governor, who is now in isolation at home released the following statement: “During a routine test yesterday, I tested positive for COVID-19. I have no symptoms and am feeling well. I am following CDC and Department of Health guidelines. Frances has been tested and, as we await the result, is quarantining at home with me.“I am continuing to serve the commonwealth and performing all of my duties remotely, as many are doing during the pandemic.“As this virus rages, my positive test is a reminder that no one is immune from COVID, that following all precautions as I have done is not a guarantee, but it is what we know to be vital to stopping the spread of the disease and so I ask all Pennsylvanians to wear a mask, stay home as much as possible, socially distance yourself from those not in your household, and, most of all, take care of each other and stay safe.”Lyndsay Kensinger, the governor’s press secretary, said everyone who has been in close contact with the governor has been notified and is following quarantine guidelines. Kensinger said multiple members of the governor’s security team recently tested positive for the coronavirus. See also After recent health scarce Queen Elizabeth II told by doctors to rest for at least two weeks