Tragic Incident in Borno as Boko Haram Claims Lives of Eight Youths


Tragic Loss of Youths in Borno State as Boko Haram Insurgents Attack

On Thursday, June 22, a horrifying attack by Boko Haram insurgents resulted in the loss of young lives across four communities in Mafa and Jere Local Government Areas of Borno State.

The devastating incident claimed the lives of several youths, with four victims in Tamsu-Ngamdu, two in Baram-Karuwa, and one in Shuwari, all situated in Mafa LGA. Additionally, one youth lost their life in Muna, located in Jere LGA. The severity of the situation was conveyed by Sherif Goni, a resident of Tamsu-Ngamdu, who shared with the press that the victims had their hands bound behind their backs before being shot.

Governor Babagana Zulum, deeply saddened by the tragic events, visited the affected communities on Friday, June 23, to offer his condolences. He called on security forces to remain resolute in the face of the escalating terror activities. Furthermore, he directed farmers to commence their activities at 6 am and conclude by 5 pm, emphasizing the government’s commitment to refining security strategies and creating a conducive environment for farming and other economic endeavors.

Governor Zulum also urged farmers to collaborate with the government’s efforts and devise community-specific strategies to combat insecurity, emphasizing the importance of collective action in addressing the prevailing challenges.

This heart-wrenching incident serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for enhanced security measures to safeguard the lives and well-being of the people of Borno State. The government remains committed to addressing the underlying issues that perpetuate such acts of violence, striving to create a safer and more secure environment for all citizens.

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