Letter to Iremide Nicole @3



Making Legacies will be like a hobby than endless attempts to you.

What you will bring in the life of people, happiness can’t beat but will envy that.

If Legends have a bucket list, seeing you and your invention will be a priority in their list.

Let the God Lord that made you see this significant day, make you see myriads of more with achievements, joy, strength, favour and blessings in every step you take…

You will live to be investigated by Angels and prominent beings cuss your joy,happiness,blessing,prosperity, favour and grace will know no bound.

he Wisdom of the Lord comes with Long life and riches, so your name comes with it all.
Nothing will run your happiness short and you don’t need History book to break records
You don’t need Guiness book to show you’re a LEGEND on earth, they will all BEER with you.

God bless you abundantly daughter.

I love you

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