Nigerian National, Muoka Ebuka Beaten To Death By South African Police, Sparks Outrage


Prince Muoka Ebuka, a 43-year-old Nigerian citizen from Obosi, Anambra State, was reportedly fatally beaten by police officers in Danielskuil, Northern Cape, South Africa, on May 17, 2024. The incident occurred during a police raid on Ebuka’s residence, where he was accused of drug dealing. The Nigerian Union South Africa (NUSA) strongly condemned the killing, citing a concerning pattern of police abuse against Nigerians in the Northern Cape. Eyewitnesses and Ebuka’s wife, Joyce, recounted the harrowing events, including alleged assault and coercion by law enforcement officers. Despite a thorough search yielding no evidence, Ebuka was interrogated relentlessly, leading to his tragic death. NUSA raised doubts about the integrity of the investigation due to improper crime scene preservation. Additionally, the police’s refusal to issue a statement or allow the family to open a case docket added further distress. NUSA demanded a comprehensive, impartial investigation into Ebuka’s killing and the broader issue of police abuse in the Northern Cape. The Nigerian government also pledged to look into the matter, condemning the incident and calling for accountability for those responsible.

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