Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stranded in India due to aircraft malfunction.


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau found himself compelled to prolong his stay in India following the G20 summit in New Delhi due to a plane malfunction, as confirmed by Canadian authorities in an official statement.

Trudeau had initially arrived in India last Friday to participate in the G20 leaders’ meeting and had intended to return to Canada on Sunday after paying his respects at the memorial dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi, a key figure in Indian independence. However, a mechanical issue forced him to remain an extra night. According to a statement from Mr. Trudeau’s office, the aircraft “encountered technical difficulties” that could not be swiftly resolved.

“Our delegation will remain in India until alternative travel arrangements can be arranged,” the statement declared. It is believed that the aircraft in question is an Airbus, with Canadian broadcaster CTV noting that this is not the first time it has experienced such problems.

This incident is not an isolated one, as other world figures have encountered similar issues with aircraft in recent months. In the previous month, Germany’s foreign minister had to endure prolonged delays in Abu Dhabi due to technical problems with her government plane.

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