Militant groups from Cameroon set fire to residences in a community within Cross River.


The paramount ruler of Belegete, HRM Uchua Amos, has revealed that the mountainous community in Obanliku LGA of Cross River State was invaded by rebels from Ambazonia in South West Cameroon. The insurgents, who entered Belegete on December 5, burned down houses, abducted over 40 Cross River indigenes, killed the clan head, Chief Francis Okweshi, and occupied the area for two weeks. Residents who fled the community following the attack have not returned due to the destruction of their homes. The challenging topography has hindered security forces from accessing the area, despite efforts by the paramount ruler to seek assistance from nearby army and police commanders.

Amos explained, “It takes over six hours from the famous Obudu Mountain Resort to get there. It is not motorable in any way. So, it was very difficult for our men to descend to the place to rescue our people.” The monarch has also called for government intervention in the Belegete community to prevent repeated incursions by armed insurgents from Cameroon.

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