Nasarawa (IDPs) express their distress as they face significant life challenges.


Expressing her plight, Mariamu Bitrus, a member of the Kutara IDPs camp in Nasarawa State, reveals that she has been suffering from an illness for several weeks. However, due to financial constraints, she is unable to seek medical treatment outside the camp.

The IDPs in Kutara, Jaipe camp, located in Karu Local Government Area, lament the lack of basic necessities, such as food, social amenities, and government support. Alakirawa Madugu, the camp chairman, appeals to the public, as well as the federal and state governments, to come to their aid.

For over 8 years, the camp has been grappling with numerous challenges, including inadequate food supply, limited access to social amenities, and meager medical facilities. Despite occasional assistance from missionaries who provide minimal food and clothing, the IDPs still struggle to sustain themselves. The kindness of some villagers who have allowed them to farm on a few plots of land has been a lifeline.

Although government officials have made promises to improve their welfare, little progress has been seen. Madugu urges the relevant authorities to provide essential amenities and alleviate the suffering endured by the IDPs.

Rev. Matthew Auta, who leads the chapel in the camp, echoes concerns about the dire living conditions. While appreciating the support from missionaries, he pleads for government intervention to alleviate the ongoing suffering.

Medical personnel at the camp’s clinic, Ishaya Akidarju, highlights the major challenge of insufficient funding for the clinic. The clinic lacks necessary equipment and medications, including basic drugs like paracetamol. Akidarju emphasizes the need for assistance from the government, NGOs, and the general public to address the prevalent malnutrition and provide essential medical supplies, such as malaria drugs and mosquito nets.

Mariamu Bitrus shares her personal struggle, revealing her inability to seek medical attention outside the camp due to financial constraints. The little money she has would instead be used to purchase food for her family, as they have gone without meals for almost two days.

The Kutara IDPs camp, established in 2015 by missionaries from the United States of America and Switzerland, consists of 72 houses, a store, and a clinic.

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